
23 In-Demand Jobs in the Philippines for 2023

What does “best job” mean to you? For some people, it’s about doing something they love. For others, it’s getting paid well. In an ideal world, you would have both in the career you’ve landed. Amid an increasingly digitized landscape, you’re likely to find that the best jobs in the Philippines tend to also be tech-related as many also offer attractive compensation.

What are In-Demand Jobs in the Philippines?

When you’re helping your kids figure out what they want to do, a good approach would be to look at what careers are in-demand. In the Philippines, the current job market has plenty of opportunities for people with technological skills and competencies. In-demand skills make in-demand courses.

But which are the highest paying jobs, in Manila and across the country? According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, pilots, software developers, statisticians, and accountants are among the most well paid professionals. Pilots reportedly earn more than P135,000 per month, developers get over P70,000, statisticians receive an average of more than P51,000, and accountants make about P48,000.

Naturally, people in C-suite, supervisory, and upper management roles will earn much more. The industry you choose also determines what you’ll make.

Here are 23 jobs that are in-demand in the Philippines for 2023.

1. Applications Programmer

Applications programmer is an umbrella term for a number of software development roles in various industries and at a multitude of levels. Whether you’re a software engineer, a data developer, or a game programmer, those that can assist in maintaining, analyzing, and enhancing digital business applications are always in high demand.

2. Bank Manager

Brick and mortar banks have been steadily reopening their doors over the last couple of years, bringing with them returning customers and new 2023 job opportunities. This includes management roles that cross-sell and upsell bank products to new and existing clients. A good bank manager will also be expected to make and grow good relations with customers and submit comprehensible and actionable reports.

3. Chemical Engineer

Chemistry’s the study of matter, and those knowledgeable in it can use that matter to create quality services and goods. Such a versatile field of study gives applicants with a background in chemistry a large number of in-demand job opportunities in 2023. The role linked above relates to water, but be on the lookout for other positions in food, manufacturing, and other fields.

4. Customer Solutions

Engage and connect with clients all over the world to provide product information and solutions. In helping customers, you’ll become more knowledgeable of the company you’re representing, making you a viable candidate for more of the firm’s jobs in 2023.

5. Data Analyst

Information is key, but without analysis, there’s no way to turn it to advantage. Logistical skills will be required for the collection, but a keen eye and a sharp mind will be needed to find ways to leverage it. Be thorough and confident in your recommendations.

6. Data Engineer

Data engineer positions make for some of the most in-demand jobs in the Philippines due to how they have to work with, not only data analysts, but data visualizers and data scientists as well, to build data systems, processes, and pipelines across a multitude of platforms to suit the needs of a business.

7. Delivery Driver

The rumble of the engine, the expanse of the road, and the materials under your care. We learned just how valuable delivery drivers and riders are, and their worth just keeps increasing with how clients want their packages, meals, and other essentials delivered swiftly and safely. This is a stable yet high-speed role for the irrepressible motorist. Just don’t forget your helmet if you go by motorcycle.

8. Digital Marketer

Getting a brand online has never been easier, but that just makes the competition even fiercer. A 2023 digital marketer job will see the applicant working for e-commerce websites, online sales divisions, email marketing sectors, or other related web-based capacities. Use trends and search engine optimization to maximize discoverability, while having enough creative panache to charm the customers you reach.

9. Financial Advisor

Everyone has financial goals, so a financial advisor is an in-demand job both in the Philippines and elsewhere. Becoming knowledgeable about finance will let you provide shrewd advice to clients to help them achieve their financial goals. Being a good financial advisor can also open up further opportunities in the financial sector.

10. Financial Manager

A financial advisor provides information and insight. A financial manager has to do likewise, but they’re also duty bound to act. This is a more high-pressure role, but it comes with greater rewards, and learning how to be a good financial manager for a company may even lead to you gaining the skills to start a business of your own.

11. Graphic Artist

Nimble hands and an eye for detail are still important for the professional illustrator, but in addition to pretty pictures, magnificent murals, and fabulous frames, a graphic artist must be capable of conveying a lot of information clearly at a glance for the flighty eyes of fickle customers. Quickness and care for smaller, regular posts, and bold craftmanship for larger commissions are why graphic artists have some of the most in-demand jobs in the Philippines.

12. Healthcare Professional

The country’s medical situation might be much calmer at the moment, but in any in-demand jobs in the Philippines list, you’ll find that healthcare professions are still at a premium. Nurses and doctors come to mind, but clinics and hospitals across the nation are also on the lookout for supporting roles like customer service representatives, hotline agents, and document assessors to help keep the country healthy.

13. Machine Learning Engineer

Even artificial intelligence and computer programs still require a human touch to ensure efficiency. The machine learning engineer will design and create AI algorithms capable of making predictions to suit a client’s needs. They also work alongside data scientists, data administrators, data analysts, data engineers, and data architects, which are also some of the most in-demand jobs in the Philippines.

14. Marketing Analyst

Before a company can start marketing itself, it has to figure out whose patronage they’re aiming for and what prices to set their services. That’s where the Marketing Analyst comes in. By studying market conditions, competing firms, and the behavior of consumers, they’re able to provide actionable suggestions for profitable practices and promotional campaigns.

15. Marketing Director

The marketing analyst but with more expertise and a larger team under them. They manage all aspects of major business marketing campaigns from strategy to analysis to implementation. The smarter and more savvy a marketing director, the stronger they can make a brand. Be a pro, an expert, but also show that you’re willing to grow to stay with the times in this 2023 job.

16. Professor/Teacher

2023 teaching jobs are a bit different from how they were in the 2010s. In addition to ordinary classrooms, aspiring educators whether they be professors, teachers, or tutors may have to contend with online video apps. Being able to keep students engaged and involved whether they’re in a school or at home is crucial for this role.

17. Project Manager

A project manager aims to develop, execute, and deliver the projects assigned to them on time. They not only direct a project’s staff with leadership skills, but take great care in staying updated on a project’s status and its goals and requirements are being worked towards.

18. Real Estate Agent

Real estate in the Philippines took a big hit from 2020-2022, but it’s the dawn of 2023. people are taking to the streets, to their offices, to the malls, and perhaps even to brand new residential or commercial spaces. Spaces that you can help lead them towards in this burgeoning property rush. While there are a number of real estate roles that don’t require a license, if you’ve got one or are in the process of doing so, you can get considerable commissions from a successful lease or sale.

19. Recruitment Specialist

The most in-demand jobs in the Philippines for 2023 would have a hard time being filled without the aid of a Recruitment Specialist. A recruiter of this level has to contend with the end-to-end recruitment and on-boarding activities. That means making the public aware of a job through promotions, reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and interacting comprehensively yet diplomatically with potential candidates.

20. Social Media Agent

Plan well, post regularly, and then examine thoroughly to see what’s working for both you and the competition. Company’s having so many different social media accounts may make this role look daunting, but the tools for posting and analyzing content have been streamlined considerably. These programs still need a personal, innovative touch though. They still need you.

21. Specialist Medical Practitioner

Don’t worry that medical practitioner roles are still some of the most in-demand jobs in the Philippines in 2023. This just means that we haven’t forgotten how important health is. The specific position linked about is for medical management, which is responsible for leading multiple teams of clinicians charged with promoting quality member outcomes, optimizing member benefits, and ensuring effective use of resources.

22. Technology Project Manager

Big shifts and projects require ambitious yet achievable plans. A technology project manager ensures that a proposed project keeps on track in terms of money, time, and scope. This job differs from the project manager. The technology project manager has a wider range of responsibilities and is expected to regularly maintain team communications across and sometimes beyond the office vis-à-vis online platforms.

23. Web Developer

With websites having to be versatile both on desktop and mobile, and perhaps even beyond in the near future, firms are eager to offer Web Developer jobs in 2023. This role requires coding and end-to-end testing to spot defects and to see how the website can be improved further. For this linked position in particular, knowledge of .NET, Web API, Javascript, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, LINQ, T-SQL, XUnit, Moq, and Karma would be ideal.



Visit the John Clements Career page for even more potential career paths and upgrades like Production Engineer, Audiobook Quality Control, Japanese Interpreter, and Cyber Security Senior to name a few. After all, a job position being open means that it’s in-demand somewhere.

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Enrique Tensuan is an SEO Copywriter for John Clements. He’s written for advertising firms, phone companies, retirement homes, pet food shops, hot spring resorts, city halls, and even various influencers. He’s eager to further learn, grow, and of course, create.