
The Moral and Ethical Implications of AI

Last July 17, 2023, I attended the conference on Artificial Intelligence for Business Leaders: Driving Growth, Innovation and Efficiency, led by Dr. Mohanbir Sawhney, the Associate Dean for Digital Innovation, McCormick Foundation Professor of Technology, Clinical Professor of Marketing, and Director- Center for Research in Technology & Innovation at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.

It was mentioned in the conference that there are major considerations in the use of artificial intelligence. As AI becomes more pervasive in our daily lives, there are concerns about its impact on human relationships, social interactions, and our sense of autonomy.

Here are my key takeaways from the conference:

  1. Privacy and surveillance: As AI collects and analyzes massive amounts of personal data, concerns over privacy and surveillance have increased. There are ethical considerations in determining the balance between using AI for beneficial purposes, such as personalized healthcare and respecting individuals’ privacy rights.
  2. Bias and discrimination: AI systems can inherit biased or discriminatory behaviors from their training data. This raises ethical concerns about perpetuating and even amplifying existing societal biases.
  3. Accountability and liability: The attribution of responsibility and liability for AI actions is still a complex issue. When AI systems cause harm or make decisions with significant consequences, it becomes vital to determine who should be held accountable. Establishing legal and ethical frameworks for AI responsibility are necessary to prevent misuse or negligence.
  4. Existential risks: The potential for AI to surpass human intelligence and control is a long-term concern. Some experts worry about the risks associated with super intelligent AI that may not prioritize human goals or be controlled by human values. Exploring ethical guidelines and safety measures in designing AI systems are critical in mitigating these risks.
  5. Social impact: AI’s influence in shaping public opinion, disseminating information, and influencing democratic processes raise questions about preserving the integrity of society. The ethical implications include promoting transparency and accountability to prevent the misuse of AI in spreading misinformation or manipulating public sentiment.


Addressing these moral and ethical implications require collaboration among policymakers, ethicists, and society as a whole. Ensuring that AI development aligns with values such as fairness, transparency and privacy is essential in maximizing its benefits and minimizing its potential harm.

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Alice possesses a solid decade of experience in business development, human resources, recruitment and talent acquisition. She graduated from Far Eastern University with a degree in Political Science.