
New Managers Program Batch 2 (Public)

New Managers Program Batch 2 (Public)

In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous work environment, your managers must be equipped with skills to help them, and their team, survive. If they already possess a fair degree of interpersonal skills, building on these skills will help transform them even more to becoming exceptional people managers.

Introducing the John Clements New Managers Program, a unique combination of specially selected modules from CrossKnowledge, the premier on-demand learning and performance support resource for leadership and management skill development, and handpicked Harvard Brief Cases.

Designed to address the full spectrum of a manager’s disruptive business challenges, it adds value with:

– Insights that matter when they’re needed most
– Concise topics, videos, cases, articles, and tools that engage and motivate
– Personalized experience: goals, skill development, and action planning
– Integration of learning with work to ensure application on the job

Its learning approach is a blended and participant-centered one. This means that it is an effective combination of self-paced online learning, enriched with 10 weekly, virtual, three-hour classroom discussions (9 learning modules plus a session on the Action Learning Project), facilitated by accredited discussion leaders.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in your high-potential managers! Enroll them in the John Clements New Managers Program:

– Competency-based curriculum
– Blended and Participant-centered Learning
– Case Method Learning

Click this link to register now – https://forms.office.com/r/wiY1hePeMz



For inquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Cyril de la Rama (cyrildelarama@johnclements.com | cyrildelarama@gmail.com).

If you’re interested to know more about our leadership programs, let us know at info@johnclements.com.

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