
Engaging Gen Z: Unleashing The Potential of Tomorrow’s Leaders

Generation Z is often described with a variety of adjectives that reflect their complex and multifaceted nature. Here are some of the common descriptors: purpose-driven, quiet quitting, hardworking, lazy, entrepreneurial, security-minded, principled, perk-loving, difficult, obsessed with environmental impact, prioritizes salary above all else, needs regular mental health days.

On June 21, 2024, I had an opportunity to join the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) virtual event featuring esteemed speaker Miselle Bergonia, AFPM. She is the Vice President of WESTCO Electrical & Equipment Corp. and the VP for Operations and HR at PAMAV Training Institute and Technology Center.

Miselle Bergonia began her presentation by discussing why managing and leading Gen Z is essential in an organization.

Gen Z: Shaping the Future Workforce

As Gen Z rapidly becomes a significant portion of the global workforce, their presence is set to reshape workplace dynamics, culture, and productivity. Effective management and leadership are essential to harness their potential and ensure smooth integration with existing teams.

Harnessing Potential for Organizational Growth

Gen Z brings fresh perspectives and a diverse set of skills, which can significantly contribute to the growth of any organization. Their creativity and organizational abilities make them valuable assets. Additionally, Gen Z is viewed as the future leaders of the corporate world. Having grown up with technology, they expect it to be seamlessly integrated into their work environment. Thus, ensuring that your workplace is equipped with the latest tools and platforms to facilitate communication, collaboration, and productivity is crucial.

Commitment to Social and Environmental Issues

Gen Z cares deeply about social and environmental issues. Demonstrating your company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility by engaging in initiatives that positively impact society and the environment is essential. This generation wants to see tangible actions that reflect a company’s values and mission.

Valuing Feedback and Recognition

Feedback and recognition are vital to keeping Gen Z motivated and engaged. They value regular, constructive feedback and appreciate when their achievements are acknowledged. Providing consistent and meaningful feedback helps them feel valued and understood.

The Importance of Mission and Purpose

Gen Z is driven by a desire to work for companies that have a clear mission and purpose. They seek out employers whose values align with their own and who demonstrate a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Understanding Generational Differences to Engage Gen Z

Generational differences significantly impact socio-economic, cultural, and environmental conditions, as well as living and working conditions, social and community networks, and individual lifestyle factors. Recognizing and understanding these differences among Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z is essential for organizations to effectively engage and manage their workforce.

Engaging Gen Z

Gen Z values authenticity in their company and leaders. They seek genuine interactions and transparency in actions. Listening to them and providing regular feedback is crucial. They thrive in diverse teams, value teamwork, and desire career growth within a flexible work environment.

Continuous Learning and Development

This generation places high importance on continuous learning and professional development. Offering training programs, workshops, and skill development opportunities is essential. Gen Z is ambitious and seeks clear career progression paths. Provide opportunities for advancement and ensure they understand how they can grow within the company.

By addressing these needs, organizations can effectively integrate Gen Z, ensuring their success and the overall growth of the workplace.

Gen Z’s Best Traits and Traits that Need Nurturing

Gen Z possesses high emotional intelligence, largely due to their heightened awareness of global issues. They are comfortable with data and digital tools and display strong business acumen, often engaging in side hustles. This generation excels in design and creativity, with diversity being a fundamental part of their norm.

However, mental toughness is a critical skill for Gen Z, as they may need more exposure to adversity to build resilience. They often lack experience in managing stress effectively. Developing other essential skills such as adaptability, multitasking, interpersonal communication, active listening, critical thinking, and time management is equally important. While these skills are valuable for all generations, focusing on nurturing them in Gen Z can significantly enhance their ability to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace.

Key Insights

  • High Emotional Intelligence: Gen Z is highly aware of global issues, contributing to their strong emotional intelligence.
  • Comfort with Technology: They are adept with data and digital tools, making them valuable in tech-driven environments.
  • Business Savvy: Many engage in side hustles, demonstrating strong business acumen.
  • Creative and Diverse: Gen Z excels in design and creativity, and embraces diversity as a norm.
  • Need for Mental Toughness: Building resilience through exposure to adversity is crucial, as they often lack experience in handling stress effectively.
  • Essential Skills Development: Focus on nurturing adaptability, multitasking, interpersonal communication, active listening, critical thinking, and time management to enhance their workplace effectiveness.


In conclusion, as Gen Z continues to enter the workforce, their influence will grow. By embracing their unique skills, values, and expectations, companies can foster a dynamic and productive work environment that benefits everyone.



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Jarell is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Human Resources from the Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute and Technology. Outside of work, she enjoys cooking food for friends and family, reading books, and hanging out with her best friends.