
Set Up Your Managers for Success with John Clements’ New Managers Program

Now more than ever, new managers must be equipped with skills to survive today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous work environment. Having a fair degree of interpersonal skills serves as a good foundation for building additional capabilities that will help transform them into exceptional people managers.

As part of its mission to provide world-class talent development programs that elevate the leadership capabilities of professionals, John Clements Consultants offers the New Managers Program, consisting of a unique combination of specially selected modules from CrossKnowledge, a premier on-demand learning and performance support resource for leadership and management skills development, and handpicked Harvard Brief Cases.

Originally launched in 2009 as the First Level Managers Program, and revitalized in late 2021 as the New Managers Program, the initiative is designed to address the full spectrum of a newly- promoted manager’s disruptive business challenges and add value through insights that matter when needed, concise topics, cases, articles and tools that engage and motivate, personalized experiences (goals, skill development, and action planning), and integration of learning with work to ensure application on the job.

The first virtual class will run from July 28 to September 29, 2022 and is a combination of self-paced online learning, enriched with 10 weekly, virtual, three-hour classroom discussions (9 learning modules, plus a session on the Action Learning Project), facilitated by accredited discussion leaders. This blended and participant-centered learning approach has proven to be highly effective.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in your high-potential managers. Enroll them in the upcoming public and totally virtual John Clements New Managers Program- Batch 2, happening on October 3 until December 8, 2022.


Talk to us to know more about our leadership programs, or send us an email at info@johnclements.com.

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Marge Friginal-Sanchez is an Editor for John Clements Consultants, Inc. She was previously connected with Goodyear Philippines and the American Chamber of Commerce. Marge studied creative writing at Gotham Writers’ Workshop, New York and is a Business Management graduate of Assumption College, Manila.